Professional land surveying services for Southern California.

Instant Quote Calculator: Alta/ ACSM (Land Title) Surveys

Fill out the fields below for instant calculation!

What is the type and size of the property?
Platted lot, sectional subdivision or metes and bounds?
How big is your property?
Which "Table A" options do you require?
There is a basic set of items included with an ALTA / ACSM survey (2005 Standards). The following are additional items that can be added at the client's request.
  1. Monuments shall be placed (or a reference monument or witness to the corner) at all major corners of the boundary of the property, unless already marked or referenced by an existing monument or witness to the corner. This is standard for all Nationwide Surveying surveys.
  2. Vicinity map showing the property surveyed in reference to nearby highway(s) or major intersection(s). This is standard for all Nationwide Surveying surveys.
    • Indicate square footage of:
  3. Location of utilities (representative examples of which are shown below) existing on or serving the surveyed property as determined by:
  4. Show specific Governmental Agency survey-related requirements as specified by the client. This option cannot be estimated online. Please contact us directly if you need this option as part of your ALTA survey estimate.
Which certification to use:
Describe your property
How many sides does your property have?
Please describe the general topography of your property:
Please describe the typical vegetation present:
How many buildings are on the property?
Are there fences on the property?
Are there any water boundaries on your property?

The instant quote is an estimate only and is subject to errors. Please submit this form with your information below to receive a more accurate quote.

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